The Impact Of Learning Style On Web Shopper Electronic Catalog Feature Preference


Muhammad Muazzem Hossain
ABM Abdullah
Victor R. Prybutok
Majharul Talukder


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between web shoppers’ VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) learning styles and their preference for electronic catalogs including text-oriented catalogs, 3-D and 2-D catalogs, visual catalogs, animated catalogs, custom animated catalogs, and virtual trials. We propose that web shoppers’ VARK learning styles can provide a basis for the personalization of electronic catalogs. Participants’ VARK learning styles were measured by using the VARK questionnaire. An e-catalog survey instrument was used to measure participants’ preferences for electronic catalogs. The findings suggest that the VARK learning styles provide a basis for customization of electronic catalogs that include text-oriented catalogs, visual catalogs, animated catalogs, and custom animated catalogs. By personalizing electronic catalogs, catalog designers can overcome the problems of information mismatch, improve web shoppers’ online shopping experience, and facilitate their purchasing decisions.

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Published Date: 

February, 2009

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