Information for Prospective Authors
The Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) is a high-quality, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary research journal dedicated to advance theory, research, and practice in Electronic Commerce. It provides an international forum for researchers and professionals to share their knowledge and report new advances on all topics related to Electronic Commerce. JECR focuses on Electronic Commerce related issues, including its theoretical foundation, infrastructure and advanced technologies. It publishes original empirical research, theoretical and methodological articles, evaluative and integrative reviews, field research, business surveys, and application papers of interest to a general readership.
Prior Publication Policy
A submission based on a paper appearing elsewhere (such as conference proceedings or newsletters) must have major value-added extensions to the earlier version. For conference papers, it should have at least 30% new material. The new material should be content material, not just the addition of proofs or a few more performance figures.
JECR Review Information
Type of Review: Double blind with respect to authors and reviewers; however, it is possible that a reviewer may have seen an earlier version of the research in the form of a conference paper, a paper presented at a research seminar, or a working paper.
· Number of External Reviewers: Two to three
· Average Time Required for Review: Three to four months
· Reviewers' Comments to Authors: Yes
· Feedback to Reviewers: Yes, copy of reviews
· Fees Charged to Review Manuscript: No
· Percentage of Invited Articles: None
Guide for Authors
Submission: In order to speed up the reviewing process, authors are required to send their papers as a word document (in Microsoft Word format) attached to an e-mail to Professor M.Y. Kiang, E-mail: or a corresponding guest editor for special issues (see special issue link).
Submission of a paper certifies that none of the contents are copyrighted, published or accepted for publication by another journal, or submitted to another journal while under review by Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. The Editor does not accept responsibility for loss of papers submitted. Upon acceptance of an article, author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the Journal.
Manuscript Guidelines
All manuscript should be prepared according to the following manuscript guidelines and saved as a word document (in Microsoft Word format).
1. Page Set-up
· Margins: 1” on all sides
· Text: justified and single column (except title, author, and some headings, as specified below)
· Spacing: Double spaced for initial submission; single-spaced for final submission
· Paragraphs: First line indented ¼”, no additional space before or after
· Font: Times New Roman 10 point (except title, as specified below)
2. Language: Papers must be in English.
3. Manuscripts should be double spaced, with wide margins. All pages should be numbered consequently.
Content and Structure
The following information should also be provided:
1. The first page of the manuscript
· Paper Title. FULL TITLE (centered, all caps, bold, Times New Roman 12 point), two blank lines
· Author name(s). Do not include author name(s) elsewhere in the paper except in a biography or reference list.
· Author Affiliation and Department
· Author(s) address(es)
· Author(s) e-mail addresses
· To facilitate blind review, indications of authorship should appear only on this page.
2. The second page of the manuscript
· Paper Title
· An abstract of not more than 200 words that provides a brief, comprehensive summary of the content of the manuscript; and
· Keywords: Select 3-5 words or phrases to be used for indexing
3. The third page of the manuscript s
· Paper Title
· Beginning of paper
Headings should be clearly defined. Authors should show each heading's level of importance as following:
· TITLE OF PAPER (centered, all caps, bold, Times New Roman 12 point)
· ABSTRACT (centered, all caps, bold, Times New Roman 10 point)
· Heading Level 1 (left justified, bold, with initial caps and numbered using, Times New Roman 10 point, with one blank line above the heading)
· Heading Level 2 (left-justified, not bold, with initial caps and numbered using Times New Roman 10 point, with no blank line above the heading)
Footnotes, Tables & Figures
1. Footnote(s) should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals.
2. Table(s)
· Should be left-justified in body of text and numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals
· Each table should have a brief, explanatory title above the table
· Explanatory notes to a table (e.g., probability levels, explanations of abbreviations, etc.) should appear below the table
· One blank line above and below each table.
· Text should be Times New Roman of maximum 10 points
3. Figure(s)
· Figures such as graphs, line drawings, photographs, charts should be centered in body of text and numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numeral
· Each figure should have a brief, explanatory title below the figure
· Explanatory notes to a figure should appear in the figure
· One blank line above and below each figure
· Text should be Times New Roman of maximum 10 points
A list of references is required at the end of the paper. References must be complete, i.e., include, as appropriate, volume, number, month, publisher, city and state, editors, last name & initials of all authors, page numbers, etc. For all references, use full justification; single space; indent ¼” except first line of each reference.
JECR uses the APA citation style.
Grammar, Style and Proof Reading
Please use high-quality grammar and style. Authors should employ the services of a professional editor if they need assistance. The responsibility for detecting errors lies with the author. It would be helpful for the authors to scrutinize past issues of the journal prior to preparing manuscripts for submission. Any manuscript that does not conform to the above instructions may be returned for the necessary revision before publication.
Copyright and Use Agreement
Authors whose papers are accepted sign a form that transfers copyright to the JECR. This form can be downloaded from JECR website. The completed form should be returned to the Editor before the article is published.