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Format: February, 2025
Published Datesort descending Title Author
08/2022 The Impacts of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on High-Involvement Product Sales: Moderating Effects of Price, Brand Origin, and Number of Customers Xudong Liu, Xianjiao Wu, Wen Shi, Weimin Tong, Qiang Ye
08/2022 The Effects of Media Use Motivation on Consumer Retail Channel Choice: A Psychological Sense of Community Approach Jewon Lyu, Jihyun Kim-Vick
11/2022 Consumer Responses to Online Advertising and Online Reviews: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Responses and Affective Responses Xuebing Dong, Junyun Liao, Yaping Chang, Run Zhou
11/2022 Do Mhealth Apps Influence Consumers’ Safe Food Choice Decisions? Role of Technology Affordances Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu, Sumeet Gupta
11/2022 Promotion Regulatory Fit or Prevention Regulatory Fit, Which Is the King on Social Media? Influence of Social Identification on Brand Loyalty Shang Chen, Xuefei Xu, Qingfei Min
11/2022 Attention to Product Images in an Online Retailing Store: An Eye-Tracking Study Considering Consumer Goals and Type of Product Raquel Chocarro, Mónica Cortiñas, Arantxa Villanueva
02/2023 AI-Enabled Technology Innovation in E-Commerce Xusen Cheng, Jason Cohen, Jian Mou
02/2023 Optimization of Consumer Engagement with Artificial Intelligence Elements on Electronic Commerce Platforms Isaac Owusu Asante, Yushi Jiang, Atlab Md Hossin, Xiao Luo
02/2023 Adoption of AI-enabled Robo-advisors in Fintech: Simultaneous Employment of UTAUT and the Theory of Reasoned Action Taewoo Roh, Byung Il Park, Shufeng (Simon) Xiao
02/2023 The Impact of Privacy Calculus and Trust on User Information Participation Behavior in AI-based Medical Consultation - The Moderating Role of Gender Yumei Luo, Xiaoqi Li, Qiongwei Ye
