02/2013 |
Will Stock Investors Use Mobile Stock Trading? A Benefit-Risk Assessment Based on a Modified Utaut Model |
Yi-Ming Tai, Yi-Cheng Ku |
02/2013 |
Investigating Collaborative Commerce System from the Perspective of Collaborative Relationship |
Ming-Hsien Yang, Jason C. H. Chen, Cheng-Lun Tsai, Hung-Yi Chao |
02/2013 |
E-Loyalty Is Not All about Trust, Price Also Matters: Extending Expectation-Confirmation Theory in Bookselling Websites |
Aikaterini C. Valvi, Douglas C. West |
02/2013 |
The Effects of Perceived Interactivity on E-Trust and E-Consumer Behaviors: The Application of Fuzzy Linguistic Scale |
Kuo-Ming Chu, Benjamin J. C. Yuan |
05/2013 |
Cross-Media Integration of QR Code: A Preliminary Exploration |
Shintaro Okazaki, Angeles Navarro, Sara Campo |
05/2013 |
Antecedents and Distinctions between Online Trust and Distrust: Predicting High- and Low-Risk Internet Behaviors |
Yong-Sheng Chang, Shyh-Rong Fan |
05/2013 |
The life cycle of open source software development communities |
André L. S. Guimarães, Helaine J. Korn, Namchul Shin, Alan B. Eisner |
05/2013 |
Understanding the Acceptance of Mobile Health Services: A Comparison and Integration of Alternative Models |
Yongqiang Sun, Nan Wang, Xitong Guo, Zeyu Peng |
08/2013 |
Social Comparison, Social Presence, And Enjoyment In The Acceptance Of Social Shopping Websites |
Jia Shen |
08/2013 |
Understanding The Use Of Location-Based Service Applications: Do Privacy Concerns Matter? |
Haejung Yun, Dongho Han, Choong C. Lee |